This show is archived (youtube) and can be seen now below this intro article
By: Roger Landry (TLB), Show Host
Isolation, Apartheid, Genocide, murder, all a part of the daily life of the average Palestinian. Not much better off is life for the average Syrian, Iraqi, Afghani, or Libyan being filled with the horror of not knowing who will launch the next missile, drone strike, or drop the next bomb on them … and a majority of the world quite frankly appears not to really give a damn, or ignores the situation out of the warped mindset that if they are consciously aware … they must take responsibility.
As usual The Liberty Beacon project steps forward from the crowd to rip the the veil of silence back in a project named Middle East Rising. This is a website, radio shows and interactions designed to bring attention to the plight suffered and endured by a vast majority of the citizens of this region, and force the eyes of the masses open … even if they have to be dragged kicking and screaming!
My special guest today is Ariyana Love, Writer, researcher, Activist, and Editor/Facilitator of TLB’s Middle East Rising project … a project initiated to give a voice to those who have been denied one for so long, and make the truth known.
Ariyana was introduced to myself and The Liberty Beacon in September of 2013. After receiving a scholarship from Academy of Art University, to research and gather material for a documentary film, she decided to live in a small village of the West Bank of Palestine, studying Palestinian culture, the Israeli military occupation and the unique olive oil cultivation and harvest in Palestine. After about 8 months in the West Bank, she then lived another 4 months in Jordan, studying the Palestinian refugee crisis.
Not intending to get drawn into the Syrian plight, she met a Syria Doctor who had fled Syria under life-threatening circumstances. He had paid a month’s salary to be led by a regime taxi driver through 12 checkpoints (both regime and FSA) to get to Lebanon and then Jordan. He opened her eyes to the Syrian Genocide. At that time, there was 12,000 Syrian refugee’s crossing every week into Jordan. The Syrian Doctor volunteered as Ariyana’s translator, accompanying her as she spoke with Syrian refugees, both those who had been in UN camps and those who were freely walking the streets of Jordan. Every one of the refugees had a profound story and what she learned from the Syrian people was both astonishing and unexpected.
Please join us as we discuss … The reality of those who suffer the daily dangers and trials of life in this troubled region. Our hope is to open your eyes to this monumental suffering and injustice.
The show will be one hour later than usual (8:30 ET vs 7:30) due to time change in the USA. This show is broadcast from Europe.
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