GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE – The CIA & the ‘Hill-Billy’ Circus
Show Hosts … Luca Majno & F. Gregory Ford
By Luca Majno
On this episode of GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE, co-host Frank Gregory Ford and I, plow through yet another get-together, giving everyone a heads-up about the hottest topics in today’s political circus arena…
Interestingly enough, we can NEVER do a show together without mentioning or talking about the ‘CIA’ (Cocaine Import Agency) ~ or is it Central Intelligence Agency?
Good grief, they are always there, in your face, destabilizing or cashing in on the killing of civilians or standing behind and/or working with thugs like Hillary Clinton…
~ But this time, it’s Robert Mueller that we start off the show with, in bed with Comey and … yes, … the CIA…
~ Then, it’s off to “Hill-Bill” (affectionately coined HILL-BILLY on this show) ~ did we start something new? And their ‘Orgy Island’ affairs, mentioning other names as well…
~ The Philippine freighter plowing into a state-of-the-art warship? Hmmmm… another strange story we go through, as Gregory gives his take on that one…
~ Off, then, to the ‘Lindsay murder’ update where he explains the events unfolding…
~ New story with General Flynn and his ‘trip’ to Saudi Arabia, to make sure all is well with ‘ISIS’ and Trump’s ‘investments’…
~ So where is Obama born? Is it Kenya or is it Hawaii??
We finish off with the death of Otto Warmbier and the strange, haunting and strikingly similar circumstances to Frank Gregory Ford’s rendition and torture… (no confession??)
~ The soap opera (that we allow) continues…
See more episodes of GLOBAL NEWS UPDATE
Show Host Luca Majno is the TLB Project Media Technical Director, CO-Host of TLBTV: LEARN 2 UNLEARN, an investigative journalist, researcher and passionate advocate of Indigenous People (The Original People), of their ‘Turtle Island’ which is now North America. Born in Boston, Ma. and raised in Geneva, Switzerland, he has lived for the last 25 years in Canada, where his activism started, and has since lived in Tennessee and Keokuk, Iowa, where he now resides. Exposing past and present crimes of any nature is a sure way to change the course of humanity towards a brighter future.
Luca Majno is available for speaking engagements here in the United States and can be contacted directly or by clicking the email link on this page:
Email: [email protected]
Phone: (319) 795-4981
FRANK GREGORY FORD is the TLB Promotional Director, CO-Host of TLBTV: LEARN 2 UNLEARN, and has experienced three decades in the military, he is credentialed as a counter intelligence non-commissioned officer assigned to Detachment 1, Company A, 223rd Military Intelligence Battalion of the California Army National Guard, under the active duty command of the 205th Compliant Military Intelligence Brigade. He was also a qualified U.S. Navy corpsman and U.S. Army medic. He is also the only American in the history of this country to take his own government to court for the torture he endured by his own, in Iraq.
If you would like to write, or host a TLBTV show for The Liberty Beacon, or be a guest on LEARN 2 UNLEARN or another show at The Liberty Beacon, click the email link on this page or email Rebecca Mahan (TLB Media Director) directly at: [email protected]
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