A massive indictment of the Democrat party
By: Ed Brodow
The U.S. Constitution, by limiting federal power, is designed to protect the individual citizen from external coercion. “Man should not be in the service of society,” said philosopher Joseph Campbell. “Society should be in the service of man. When man is in the service of society,” Campbell warned, “you have a monster state, and that’s what is threatening the world at this minute.” The Democrat party is behind it.
By supporting big government at the expense of the individual, Democrats threaten to transform America into a totalitarian nightmare. President Biden has declared that the “most lethal elements” in our society are political conservatives. In true Stalinist fashion, the DoJ, the FBI, and the media are being weaponized to go after Biden’s political opponents. Armed FBI agents raided the homes of Roger Stone, James O’Keefe, Paul Manafort, and dozens of other Trump-supporters, to say nothing of the raid on Mar-a-Lago. “The FBI is now an organization solely focused on destroying the domestic enemies of the Democratic Party,” said radio host Jesse Kelly. The implication is that if you distrust Biden’s government, you are considered a terrorist and must be hunted down.
Democrats will not hesitate to deprive you of your basic rights if it suits their purpose. In their war on free speech, Democrats have attempted to silence anyone who denies global warming, criticizes Islamic terrorism, advocates a stronger military, or questions the validity of the 2020 election. George Orwell, author of 1984, knew from personal experience how big government can trample all over individual rights. Orwell was particularly impressed by F.A. Hayek’s statement that “collectivism gives to a tyrannical minority such powers as the Spanish Inquisitors never dreamed of.”
Orwell and Hayek agreed that liberty and security are at opposite ends of the political spectrum. Big government, which makes a false promise of security, is capable of extinguishing liberty. Dennis Prager has argued that most people, to their detriment, prefer security over liberty. That explains why so many people vote for Democrats even when it is clear that they are voting against their own interests. “Sadly,” said Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt, “too few understand that exchanging all freedom for the promise of security ends in extreme poverty and mass casualties.”
The slide began with Obama’s eight-year assault on American values. We had a breather as Trump achieved a series of miracles to bring back the economy, control the southern border, put the Chinese in their place, strengthen the military, and ban Critical Race Theory. Trump’s miracles were rejected in favor of Obama-on-steroids in the form of the Biden administration.
How did a robot-like Biden end up in the Oval Office? While we looked the other way, the Democrat party was hijacked by Marxists, racists, and fascists whose aim is to destroy the status quo and replace it with a totalitarian socialist state run by unaccountable bureaucrats. Under the influence of these new Democrats, the U.S. is on the road to a one-party state.
The Democrat party’s ultimate alternative to democracy is socialism, where the government takes control of everything. “President Biden is committed to ensuring the government is in your life from cradle to grave,” said Rep. Chris Stewart, “no matter how much taxing and spending that requires.” Where will it lead? “[Biden’s] reckless spending programs have the potential to push the country toward another financial catastrophe,” wrote Justin Haskins in The Hill, “perhaps as soon as within the next year or two.”
Biden’s plan, warns Sen. Marco Rubio, is to Build Back Socialist. “This is the agenda of the leftist base that now controls the Democratic Party,” Rubio said. “These are the people who think America is a terrible country, that America is a country with a shameful history, a racist and unjust system.”
Democratic-sponsored legislation, said Sen. Marsha Blackburn, is designed to be “a takeover of the country in one vote. They want government control of your kids,” she said. “They want government control of health care. They want to demoralize the military, close the churches, destroy your faith in the American system.”
To achieve its diabolical ends, the Democrat party has embraced violence as its modus operandi. “[Democrat party] leaders from Barack Obama to Seattle Mayor Jenny ‘Summer of Love’ Durkan gave the green light to anarchy,” wrote Miranda Devine in the New York Post. With the complicity of Democratic mayors, governors, and district attorneys, the U.S. has descended into near lawlessness. Police have been told to stand down and allow the violence to continue unabated. Prosecutors are more concerned with the rights of criminals than the rights of victims.
Whenever the Democrats are in power, they destroy everything they get their hands on. As Deroy Murdock said in the Post, Democrats are “wreaking havoc, division, and devastation. The Democratic Party has deteriorated into a clear and present danger to this republic.” They must be stopped this November.
This article (A massive indictment of the Democrat party) is republished here on TLB under “Fair Use” (see the disclaimer below article) with attribution to the articles author Ed Brodow and americanthinker.com.
TLB recommends that you visit the American Thinker for more great articles and info.
About the Author: Ed Brodow is a conservative political commentator and author of nine books including his new #1 Amazon Best Seller, AMERICA ON ITS KNEES: The Cost of Replacing Trump with Biden. His website is www.edbrodowpolitics.com.
Image Credit: Photo in Featured Image (top) – Public Domain
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Yup, you’ve no doubt heard the sham they tried in Michigan?!?!
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But the feckless GOP, gasps, clutches its pearls and does nothing. As the scriptures say do not put your trust in nobles. Be obediant to the authorities but don’t believe for a moment they are benevolent as opposed to their malevolence.