Odds and Ends (17?, 666?, Pills?, Security?, Uni-Party?)…
By: Joseph M. Lenard
Odds and Ends needing attention, I put off too long – 17th Amendment, Are we in End Times?, Big Pharma (finally I weigh in), Open Borders (again? rather STILL), is the Speaker battle over yet?, Coming Soon to TLB/CTP corresponding & correlating pieces… Hopefully something for everyone to drill-down to in this piece (Ctrl-F pick/choose, if not reading whole piece)!
VIDEO (5m 58s): Evan Almighty – The Flood Comes:
Start with the Heavy: END TIMES?: “Lately there’d been a Black Flag on my morning… and lately I’d become one who’d have laughed [the “mockingly” not taking something/someone doing or saying something important seriously; like probably aimed at Noah, until the Rain actually started; as opposed to the more proper as we should at times look in our Mirror and laugh at ourselves for how stupid we too can be at times and miss something] at you too. It was up to me [as it is up to you] if I wanted to see!” King’s X — Are YOU Awake and NOT Woke?!?!?
Have you been building an ARC (Acts of Random Kindness, to make the World a better place, as moral of the Evan Almighty story as well as to teach other Biblical tenants and references via a “Comedy” (with serious Moral under-tones) film)?!?! More seriously, deeper, ARE YOU READY FOR THE FLOOD (figurative, as God promised no other literal World destroying Flood, and taking the Rainbow back from the Rainbow Alphabet Mafia (the “we just want ‘tolerance and acceptance’ crowd” vs #GAYtivists engaging in #GAYtivism dichotomy) a whole other Odds and End not going into here (and covered in my “ChristiTutionalist TM Politics” – the book)) of Hell on Earth circumstances we are entering as the Book of Revelations unfolds (you do not need be a Christian believer, The Book (that sub-Book) shall effect you too whether you’re a Believer or not) as more and more begin talking or asking – ARE WE IN THE END-TIMES (and my relating David’s 7-Headed Beast in last weeks “The Left’s 7 D’s” piece and maybe annoying some with so many, too many?, Biblical references of late)?!?!?
VIDEO (4m 13s): King’s X – Black Flag:
Agreed! [I know, if above that wasn’t already a strange way to open an article – if you ain’t figured it out by now I AM NOT CONVENTIONAL in my approaches often!!! Now this?!?! Agree, agree with what? Well, keep reading, to find where this non-sequitur from Noah, Floods, King’s X, messages/morals going…]
BIG PHARMA: We need to MAKE IT ILLEGAL again, as it once was, for Pharma to Advertise DIRECT (on Radio, TV, Print Ads (outside of Medical Mag’s), etc.) to the Public. They can/could/should always send Reps to talk with Doctors about any/all their Drugs, what for, what side-effects, and the Doctors Offices have pamphlets to be able to give Patients while discussing any as potential solutions (normally only alleviating symptoms, not cure) for what ails them.
Those who know me know damn well how I disdain Government Regulations; however Public Safety is supposedly one of those things we accept these days them to do (within reason) and as usual our Officials more interested in the lobby money big pharma doles out to them than any concern or consideration for, WE THE PEOPLE.
But what prompted this more recent BIG PHARMA rant above response (I’ve been talking about all the things here-in this piece for decades, just now putting into writing)? Well, a response to @ABCCCC over on RETALK social-media platform, where she wrote…
“Evil – Big pharma advertising is unethical and makes people sick, just from the power of suggestion” on Wednesday August 23rd 2023. I agree, we’ve created a Health paranoia of a sense, now a National Munchausen’s Syndrome (aka: “Fictitious Disorder”) of every minor this-or-that knee-jerk Povlovian-Dog crave-a-pill response to the Bell (TV Ad’s promotion of whatever Pill) ringing. I thought we supposedly “care” about the Mental-Health Crisis (of which this is now part) going on in America, and in this rarified instance (for every Rule, some exceptions) I support a return to a Federal edict for “Public Safety” concern/reasons over the otherwise clear “Free Market” and “Freedoms” (they, Free to promote, you Free to partake or not) Right (is it a Right? with FCC Licenses airwaves are Regulated!) to Advertise (Free Speech?!?!).
VIDEO (1m 48s): The Big Bang Theory: Penny’s First Sale As Pharmaceutical Sales Representative:
17th Amendment: Now, finally about the 17th Amendment thing I’d teased above many times. I would LOVE to be able to share a great and very thorough post and comments thread from several decades ago on this topic from a RedState piece (from the days/times I used to write for them), but sadly over time while they often keep the “diaries” (as they call blogs/articles) they archive them (like does Before It’s News I also write for, which strips images to save Server space) at RS they wipe-out/erase/delete the comments – and frankly that is where all the great conversation was.
So, I will try to tamp-down my urge to get long-winded, get deep into the weeds, and turn this into a 50,000 word novel, and stick with something that should be obvious but is seemingly lost. The 17th Amendment was and is A DIRECT AFRONT TO OUR NATIONS’ FOUNDATIONS and point of counter, and, checks-and, BALANCE. The 17th in-my-opinion must be repealed if we are to have any shot to ROAR (Restore Our American Republic) as it was the final nail in the coffin of the 10th Amendment and RIGHTS OF THE STATES.
We must, IMO, return to allowing/having each State the power/control to have their State Legislators set the guidelines (which, if they so choose, to allow direct Election by the masses. But, really, to deal with ORIGINAL INTENT (see too my “A Republic If You Can Keep It” piece here on TLB, to also balance power/control of/for smaller States (each State has 2 Senators) against potential Tyranny of the larger States) and protections for We The People a repeal should consider BANNING SUCH so State Representatives cannot Punt and hide from their duty – and uphold the original intent and thoughts to keep them from direct influence/sway by general Public in the slower (Rules made to be the more “deliberative body” and more difficult to pass things through with the Filibuster Rule) but more-so importantly and preferably Elect a States’ U. S. Senator by the State Legislator – in order to properly perform the U. S. Senate duties/functions to REPRESENT THE STATE INTERESTS not directly Elected by the People – as is the function/purpose of the U. S. House of Representatives (“The Peoples’ House”)!!!
VIDEO (13m 58s): Street Smarts: The U.S. Senate (Prager-U):
PERIOD! That, in-my-opinion, is by far and away enough right there; and this piece has other items to still address and getting long already; so I’ll leave it all to you to put your additional reasoning and thoughts in the comments if you so “choose” to do so.
OPEN BORDERS / SECURITY RISK: And, another Odds and Ends, back to Biden’s Bumbling at the Border… Nero Fiddled while Rome burned, #BiDUMB is lounging at the Beach (again, and again, and again) while our Nation is invaded and many from Terror Nations (yes, including Iran) are caught BUT STILL RELEASED (including several on Terror Watch lists) into our Nation. BEGGING it would seem for another 9/11. Yes, I covered Biden’s Bumbling at the Border already, but now yet another piece I place into that Puzzle as I was honored to have J. J. Carrell (former CBP, Newsmax contributor, Author, Activist) on my CTP Show…
VIDEO (43m 02s): “ChristiTutionalist TM Politics” – interview of J. J. Carrell (Activist / Author / CBP (retired) / NEWSMAX Contributor) on Immigration, Border, and Terror Threat:
UNI-PARTY? NO, #DEEPSTATE: Words matter, despite how The Left tries to twist them, we must be more precise in ours! I have spoken with Roger (Founder TLBproject, and podcaster) several times (including latest here also here and here) about many things but over and over the “Uni-Party” bullshit keeps coming up/back – no, there are plenty of us (yet still not enough) fighting both the CINOs/RINOS and the FASCICRATS (more properly known as “DEEP-STATE” or “Establishment” members — not all in GOP are “FASCICRATS-lite” and we deserve the distinction, deference, recognition, for continuing to Fight (like willing to DEPOSE A SPEAKER to signal THINGS ARE CHANGING finally) while the LAZY have just thrown up their hands and walk away providing SURRENDER to and Victory for those they claim need be removed so we need all to return to (show some spine they whine about others not having, but yet they are not showing either, back into) the Fight that left and YOU/those getting off your Ass (if you’ve never bothered to engage, just whine) and becoming a Delegate in GOP (yes, what are YOU DOING, vs just whining) to also make a real difference rather than screaming at the Players, Cheerleaders, Water-Boy, for your disdain for the Game-plan and Losing (you MUST be on the Field-of-Play to effect the outcome of the Game).
Check out this article’s corresponding ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast episode S1E18#TBD?.
VIDEO (37s): Coming Soon to CTP [Promo as heard on Doug Collins, Sheriff David Clarke, Lara Trump, Shannon Joy, Operation Truth, On Tap, Mess To Miracle, A Toast To Life, others’ Shows]:
REALITY WILL BITE: You may not want to think about all these things and that you don’t want to be involved in Politics or WHATEVER, and that IGNORANCE IS BLISS? It may be Bliss for awhile, but whether you are involved it is involved with YOU and eventually REALITY WILL COME CRASHING DOWN AROUND YOU! But, hey, we’ve got some BREAD AND CIRCUS, er… I mean… Game to Watch! Like CRIME, I didn’t go into further here (see those TLB pieces here and here) it may not always be OVER THERE (Borders/Rivers/Lakes/Oceans don’t protect anymore, whether it be Crime or War (and those Oceans – heard of ICBM’s? Have you heard of the Japanese Balloon-Bombs of WWII? as I discuss in my Terror Strikes Historical-Fiction (aka: #FACTion) book! Have you heard of Airplanes? Cargo Ships? that can/could all carry Weapons-Of-Mass-Destruction?!?!)), it may come knocking at your Door sometime soon and if you took ZERO PREPARATION you deserve what you get!
Speaker Liz Cheney?:
VIDEO (41m 06): CTP S1Oct2023Special “Liz (#TDS) Cheney for Speaker? LOL”:
Lastly, I promise, I KNOW this got long: Have you seen the Headlines of Late? LANDRY TAKES LOUISIANNA (in their Jungle-Voting-system (NOT Ranked-Choice Jungle-Primary like AK tried to create a Frankenstein of the two and made a mess of things)). No, not our “Landry” another one (though I’ve yet to ask Roger if this guy might be in his Ancestry chain somewhere?!?! LOL)! But that is another in the long and growing line of indicators things are shifting our way for 2024 up/down the entire Ticket and even in some areas/States otherwise not “RedState” status (as I discuss in “” there really are not Red and Blue States per se but really Blue/Red Counties that SWAY entire Districts/States (that I elude to in “Can We Trust Polling” and specifically discuss several Oregon Counties wanting to defect to Idaho to escape the over-powered sphere-of-influence of Portland driving their State in “Latest WOKEism” piece – IF, of course, we can manage to get a FAIR AND FREE ELECTION in 2024.
About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”! & several other books (see below).
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
Author: Terror Strikes (buy)
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