The Politics Of Potterville
By: Joseph M. Lenard
Um… No… Nothing to do with “Harry Potter!”
We are nearing that time again where “It’s A Wonderful Life” (IAWL) will be playing on some channel or another 24×7. I cannot imagine there is anyone, but suppose there must be some folks out there haven’t seen it and refuse to watch it (they get tired of hearing about it); so we won’t go into many Spoilers (if someone hasn’t seen it, doubt it possible they don’t know what it is about and what goes on in the film). This article, will discuss (as the title says: “Politics of Potterville” something I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone else go into, to fit The Liberty Beacon main “politics” focus). But, however, before we get into that… Another Christmas movie… “DIE HARD!” Yep, that’s right, putting to bed once-and-for-all the falsehood that Die Hard is NOT a Christmas movie.
VIDEO (24s): Die Hard – © 1988 – “Now I have a Machine-gun – Ho, Ho, Ho!”:
In the Spirit of “The Twelve Days of Christmas” Simon Ragoonanan wrote on behalf of Picture House Cinemas the “12 Reasons Why Die Hard Is A Christmas Movie” piece and I will quote just a few of his points.
First, foremost, his #11: “The writer says it is — In 2020, Steven E de Souza, co-writer of Die Hard, made a compelling case that not only is Die Hard a Christmas movie, Die Hard is MORE of a Christmas movie than the seasonal classic White Christmas.”
#2: “John McClane’s wife is called Holly — The surname of John McClane’s wife is a key bookend plot point at the heart of the movie. However, this distracts from the significance of her FIRST name, which is Holly – the most Christmassy name she could possibly have (unless she was called Rudolph).” Same reason why Marten’s Wife’s name is “HOPE” in my Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You (declaration of Faith, in the manuscript, figurative and literal “Hope, over Fear” in the storyline (both mine, and Die Hard)).
[to drive the points home more, maybe she should have been “Holly Rudolph”]
#5: “It has a Christmassy family story — A dad struggling to be reunited with his family on Christmas eve is as Christmassy as it gets.”
#7: “The villain is the Grinch — Another classic American Christmas tale is How the Grinch Stole Christmas, about ‘the Grinch’ stealing all the presents of the town. Here, we have Hans Gruber, who wants to steal all the ‘presents’ from the Nakatomi Corporation.”
#9: “A Christmas present leads to the villain’s demise (‘It’s a Rolex…’).”
< snip, end FAIR-USE “quotations” >
For the rest of #9, and his other 7 reasons (which is NOT all encompassing in and of itself as a list, but again in Spirit of “Twelve Days of Christmas” and the “Twelve Apostles” and the like), see “12 Reasons Why Die Hard Is A Christmas Movie” piece.
Also Rob Fredette of HODGEPOD podcast (2 parter, part 1 on Apple, as well as part 2 on Apple), whose show I was on to discuss “Movies of the 1980’s” including Die Hard (in part 2), added the clear significance to the theme that there are 12 “Terrorists”… er… “Robbers”… well the 12 disciples of Hans (his Anti-Apostles).
VIDEO (23s): Die Hard – © 1988 – “Who Said We Were Terrorists?”
#1: Tyrant Potter wants total and complete control of the Town if only he could have a Monopoly by destroying his competition.
#2: COMMUNISM – yep, that’s right, however — micro versus macro matters!
“Credit Unions” and many small/local Banks operating on the principle of “Community” and as George points out “You’re money is in so-and-so’s House” and the like. People VOLUNTARILY joining together as a “collective, by choice, group” of folks for THEIR OWN/INDIVIDUAL BEST INTERESTS (not government edicts, the original “It Takes A Village” intent not Hillary’s warped Fascist “Wards of the State” sense) – versus the absolute and abject failing of Communism on the macro/larger “political” scale.
From my ChristiTutionalist TM Politics book “Will Followers Of Jesus Be Able To Save America?” chapter…
“The Left is not Progressive, they are regressive. They have not learned anything from History. Period! You don’t have to learn from the failure of Communism, Fascism, Socialism, via Marx, Lenin, Mao, Castro, et al (it has, and always will, FAIL anywhere and everywhere it is done, because of Human Nature) …. Learn from America!!! We tried Communism (‘Common-Wealth’) here in USA long before them all and of course it failed then too. The Bradford Colony tried (remember The Mayflower [communist] Compact?!?!) which promised they would all have EQUITY (the bullshit the Left peddles today rather than EQUAL RIGHTS and EQUAL OPPORTUNITY) that all would have ‘Equal Stakes’ and ‘Equal Shares’ (Community/Collective Ownership, no Private Property] of everything despite their level of work put in. Of course, guess what, ATLAS SHRUGGED ((likely where Ayn Rand got the idea, and) which is why the Left BANNED that Classic book from being read in Schools) as more and more (because it is Human Nature that some would be lazy) decided to do nothing and ride in the cart and the Cart had less and less people to pull the Cart. They almost all starved to death!!! UNTIL, Bradford recognized the failure of the Mayflower Compact and their settlement and instituted Free Markets, Private Property ownership, and all the great concepts America then went on to foster — and as the saying goes ‘the rest is History’ (that people fail to learn from). And as Paul Harvey used to say ‘Now you know #TheRestOfTheStory!’”
Yep, just like the Left never learned, the success of “Solar” on the micro level; someone with Panels on their own Property with sufficient on-site Battery capacity to hold the Energy for hours/days the Sun isn’t shining. Abject failure of macro and Solar-Farms that in no-way ever can have Battery capacity for entire Cities let-alone entire States. And too their other lack and grasp of “unintended consequences” of their failing Leftist policies.
#3: The “Suicide-prevention” message and “one does not always recognize” the fallout, politically and of course effects upon others’ lives in general, of the movie.
Along the “Suicide-prevention” aspects from my Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You book “Comic Relief” chapter (weirdly enough, need see the whole chapter for the lead-in context). On average 22 Veterans lives are lost by their own hands (we owe them, we must help them)…
“Let us use by way of example the movie almost everyone has seen: It’s A Wonderful Life. In the dramatic portrayal the main character is shown how life would have been if he hadn’t lived. He was brought to recall how had it not been for his intervention a pharmacist would have caused the death of a patient by administering a wrong drug. That, clearly, is a dramatic impact. That, of course, was a movie! In REAL LIFE the influence and impact that people have on others’ lives may be infinitely more subtle! It may even be INDIRECT! The influence and impact that one person has on another may then influence and/or impact another that may then have a major impact on a human life as a whole! You can be someone’s Clarence (a real life, in-the-flesh angel) to help them recover and heal!
From my The Liberty Beacon “Norton v Shelby” piece (and see my YouTube @JlenardDetroit channel “Norton v Shelby” sneak-peek vlog)…
“I have previously discussed via TLB pieces the Fasci-Federalists of today vs original intent Federalists, let-alone the “concerns” the anti-Federalists had/argued about normal Human-nature and an eventual lurch Leftward toward Communism, Fascism, Socialism, Whatever-ism, all complete-Governmental-control schemes/systems on/of THE LEFT side of the overall Political Spectrum as discussed in “A Republic If You Can Keep It” and “Overblown Right-wing Extremism Narrative” and “Twisting/Warping language (part 2)” and “Democrats Always Ignore (Unintended Consequences) Natural Laws of Human Nature” TLB pieces.”
As if there is a bit of difference between Communism-Fascism-Socialism; this isn’t the 1930’s where the German NAZI-SOCIES ((unlike today’s FASCICRATS and American Communist Parties are basically one/same*)) were fighting the Moscow-backed-Marxist-Communists. There are now only minor quibbles between them all on how to exert power/control over all and everything – direct ownership or illusion of private-ownership but dictatorial control via government regulation (all means, to same end). It is all now just which set of Ruling Elites under the temporary banners they fly get to Lord over the imperfection. As said in several of my movies related pieces over time about Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 line: “He promised perfection, but he only really hated things as they were.” Which is the battle-cry of every would-be tyrant promise “utopia” (perfection, but no such thing as “perfect” and while America isn’t perfect it is far better for more (The Greater Good the Left pretends to care about, but too just another warping of a concept they destroy out-of-context)) and all about their “small group of Elites” gaining the power/control over the imperfection.
* As Norman Mattoon Thomas (The Socialist Party candidate for President of US) said in 1944 speech: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the name of ‘liberalism’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened… I no longer need to run as a Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party. The Democrat Party has adopted our platform.” And he was 100% correct, as I point out all the time the DNC adopted 28 planks of the NSDAP (Nazi-Socies) in their platform (albeit, more carefully crafted, deceptive, verbiage).
Also from my ChristiTutionalist TM Politics book “Some Twist Jesus’ Words” chapter…
“The original: ‘It Takes A Village’ (read: community) concept.
Responsibilities to our Brothers and Sisters. Hillary tried to cash in on that Liberal distortion and ObaMAO has tried to drop it a few times in regard to implying a ‘Moral imperative’ to/for a complete healthcare takeover (and/or countless other Obama initiatives [which obaMOAcare had to deal with power/control, just like in 1930’s Germany, NOT health-care]), rather than true reforms we would agree to. Like Charity, ‘It Takes A Village’ is not offensive to Conservatives, on the contrary – we welcome it! It is, as always, the warped distortion of it by Liberals from voluntarily (in keeping with God’s gift to us of Free Will and expectation we “choose” to engage in it as part of our Faith and Salvation plans) over coercion/extortion/dictatorial-edicts… As with Charity, when it is forced/commanded by the State, it crossed from the simple [voluntary] ‘Community’ and becomes the ‘political Communism’ [mandates]!”
We all understand the concept and sometime necessity of having Family or Friends watch a Child, help educate or discipline a Child, to give Parents help. It does not mean make Children “Wards of the State” and basically surrender of Parental Rights and obligations (like “Hitler Youth” had more Rights and Parents feared their Children) – as The Left warped the concept into.
VIDEO: #StatesRights erased and #God being white-washed
Federal Tyranny States & God Being Erased mug (click here)
Image Credit: Graphic in Featured Image (top) – by Mohamed Hassan from Pixabay.
About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”! & several other books (see below).
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
Author: Terror Strikes (buy)
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Terror Strikes video Trailer:
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