TLBTalk Radio (E30): When the Deep State Becomes Shallow
Listen to Archived Show below Intro Article
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Commentary by your Host: Roger Landry (TLB)
Hello, welcome to Episode #30 of TLBTalk Radio …
Before we jump into today’s topics I would like to once again, say thanks to RBN for the platform (explained in broadcast), to the shows producer, and to Annie at ShakeAndWake Radio for this shows replays on Thursdays, and for also hosting my newest show (with Co-Host Stephen Roberts) Eagle’s Eye Report on Wednesdays from 4-5 PM Central. They are all a very significant part of the weekly success of The Liberty Beacon Project’s Message …
Again I will state that the message I bring to you today is not entertainment, nor is it baseless guesses, or remote possibilities. Most of what I deliver is in your face reality, recorded facts or an inevitability depending on our course of action.
Let’s jump into this …
INTRO NOTE: What follows was originally written as an article … but after completing it I came to the conclusion that this was information I would also like to present to my radio show audience due to its topic and depth of explanation. The first 30 minutes relay considerable content from this article, and the last 30 are my thoughts, and more in-depth explanations of the articles main points. Please listen up and share if you deem this worthy. Knowing the what and why of what we have deemed the Deep State is vital to We The People reclaiming our true position and authority in this Republic!
There are also no call-ins on the show today. I have realized that with heavy topics like this there usually are not (almost as if giving me more time present and explain), but when I start a show with just a few talking points, the calls roll in. So what follows is an almost uninterrupted hour of introduction and explanation concerning one of the biggest issues facing us today … The Administrative or Deep State …
When the Deep State Becomes Shallow
Today’s Presentation is a commentary based on about 45 years of experience including:
My 8 years in the US Nuclear Submarine fleet.
Then 22 years of global travel while working for the Military Industrial Complex (Raytheon) as a senior field engineer facilitating DOD contracts.
Add to this almost 15 years of both political and economic research, reporting, and media appearances commencing in 2007, and culminating in The Liberty Beacon Project Global News network.
I am claiming to be an expert at nothing, but as an observant and calculating individual I have been in the position to acquired a considerable amount of information and even more questions along the way. This all combines to give me a perspective many will never posses … and sometimes that is a curse.
In the transition from a DOD Contractor to a News researcher and Reporter, one of my initial epiphanies was the existence of what we now call ‘The Deep State’ or as others refer to it as ‘The Administrative State’.
This is best explained as the almost total control of this country via multiple components of this government who over time have claimed a little more power and authority on a continuous basis, culminating in what is an almost absolute power over this country via administrative fiat. They exercise said power, either by convenient law, or by coercion to maintain and even increase their influence.
Some of the most familiar entities being described are the CIA, FBI, DOJ, FDA, CDC, etc… Yes there are in fact MANY!
As it would seem to even the most casual of observers, it is the Liberal mindset or Democrat party that most fits with this form of government control. This including the belief that government should provide everything for everybody, with very little inequality … except of course, for those who actually run the show, such as Pelosi and Insider trading, etc…. Witness over time, the evolution or morphing of a free and prosperous republic, into a class divided totalitarian nightmare … Socialism at its worse … authoritarianism at its best.
Now I will never say that Conservatives or Republicans are all pure of heart … but for those who encourage, or help to facilitate this nightmare scenario … the term RINO fits well. And for those bought and paid for … does the word traitor fit ???
For the longest time this entire scenario was well hidden or camouflaged enough to pass as normal, or at worst government being a little over rambunctious … until recently when it has literally exploded in our faces.
Nothing has made this Deep State more visible … nothing has dredged it up from the deep into the shallows as blatantly as the MAGA (Make America Great Again) movement kicked of by Donald Trump.
As I have stated on far too many occasions … The Global Elite, something this Deep State seems married to, does not wish to see America Great Again, and in fact wishes the exact opposite. These Elitists firmly believe Global Governance cannot truly exist unless the cowboys of the world are first brought to their knees … made an example of. At that point who else would dare push back against them.
Now witness the proof … Look around you to see the mechanisms of destruction unleashed intentionally on We The People in just the last two years alone. Look at the choreographed destruction taking place of our:
Education System
Fuel dependency
Food security
Southern Border
Dollars Value
Healthcare system
… and that is just the short list!
Look at the Afghan withdrawal, the wokeness (LBGTQ+), and the vaccine mandates wreaking total havoc on our military, as our liberal leaders lead us ever closer to a global war … REALLY … ???
Look at the hiring of almost 90,000 new IRS agents who’s target are We The People and NOT the rich and we are being told. And look at the fact that a good portion will be heavily armed and willing to use deadly force to keep you in line, or to scare you into compliance of their stated wishes …
Look at the Inflation Reduction Bill (Bull-crap) set to spend almost another trillion dollars to accomplish even more graft and corruption with no chance of it ever reducing inflation … and every chance it will exacerbate it beyond what We The People can tolerate… as if they didn’t know this !!!
Also consider that The Raid on Mar-a-Lago is a blatant sign of the deep states panic. This is being caused by the massive and growing displeasure of We The People as we see America being slowly dismantled right before our eyes.
This is also a blatant move on Donald Trump, a move to either silence him, make him irrelevant, or if need be to eliminate him totally (this is becoming more obvious) thus decapitating the growing movement against said Deep State by eliminating highly its charismatic leader
… and so much more !!!
Today we are looking at an Administrative State hellbent on retaining and expanding it power over us … come hell to high water and at all cost. The Deep State’s ultimate mission is Complete Totalitarian Control over America, and aiding in the creation of Authoritarian Global Governance (WHO, WEF, UN, WMF)
TLBTalk Radio (E30): When the Deep State Becomes Shallow
(Listen to this archived show by clicking on the image below)
Considering all that was just covered, there can be little to no doubt that there is now a war via our own government against … We The People !!!
Show Topic References:
Panic At The Top!
Buckle Up … Tough Times Are Coming!
FBI Seized Docs That Violated Trump’s ‘Executive Privilege’ During Mar-a-Lago Raid
IRS Training Images Shows Armed Agents How to Raid Middle-Class Homes [Video]
So… When will Biden Voters Get Angry?
Enough Is Enough … It’s Time To Dismantle The FBI
Freedom Itself Is ‘Gravely in Peril’
For more Archived TLBTalk Radio Episodes click on the image below
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About the Author & Host: Roger Landry (TLB) spent about three decades of his adult life either in, or working for the military, with about two decades working directly for the Military Industrial Complex facilitating DOD contracts. His awakening to Political, Economic, and Health realities was about twelve short years ago. Since that time he has founded The Liberty Beacon Project (TLB) consisting of a half dozen proprietary global websites, media projects and partner websites across the planet. He contributes regularly to multiple forums both in and outside of TLB Project. Most of his work can be found on the TLB Flagship website TheLibertyBeacon.com
Image Credit: In article photo (cropped) – “Joe Biden” by Gage Skidmore marked CC BY-SA 2.0.
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