Phillip Mamouf Wifarts

Phillip Mamouf Wifarts

Satire by: Bill the Butcher 

Taking a firm stance can be commendable in a lot of things, but taking an unwavering stance in politics can be disastrous. I recently did that. Let me explain.

Now before I embark on this literary Hari Kari let me reiterate. I think Donald Trump would be the next big thing for the Presidency. With the economy, the border, the irrelevance of the Constitution and ANY thought of a second term for Biden, it’s a no brainer. And, if you, like me, think this will transpire then, like me, you are as crazy as an outhouse rat!

It is becoming crystal clear that Biden won the election. Now wait, hear me out. You must understand that all politics are shady, and all Politicians are crooked. They are so crooked that when someone finally gets around to assassinating one of them you don’t have to bury them. All you have to do is drive a stick through their ears and screw them in the ground.

Biden was a consummate politician. Trump was not. Biden stole more votes than Trump. He “won” the election. Learn it, live it, love it! As one lawyer after another flips to the prosecution the idea of The Donald getting a second chance begins to look Yellow Submarine ISH!

But, as he pursues his pipe dream the hot ashes are burning the Republican Party down.  They struggled to elect a Speaker of the House! They would struggle to appoint a dog catcher. Oh, they impress all of y’all, but don’t Bogart that joint, my friend. There are no shining stars in the party. That guy from Florida was looking good, now what WAS his name? SEE?

It’s a sad fact that Trump is the party’s best chance which is no chance at all. In all likelihood some little girl is gonna push Biden up to the podium in his wheelchair to take the oath of office. The Dummycrats will say it’s cute and we will have to change our underwear.

Do I want to see this happen? Hell no! Do I think it’s going to happen? As sure as taxes will rise like Betty Crocker Biscuits. We gonna take this butt whipping boys and girls. What we need to do after we clean ourselves up is cultivate viable candidates. You are not gonna change Washington. Mr. Smith already went to Washington and they indicated him. And Biden will not pardon him.

We Republicans need to stand back and take a long hard look at the state of the party. And then begin to change direction. Not agree with the Dems, but to demonstrate to the voters that they are not the American Way. The Rump Ranger Party has absolutely nothing to do with what we stand for.

Now, I’m gonna take some hits. Liberalism has so pervaded America that it is seen as normal. It’s not. The American people have just become so beat down that they just let insanity slide. They have no choice. What have they got? US? We’re too busy whipping a dead elephant to give them any kind of viable alternative.

It won’t happen this time. I wish it would. I wish Trump would win and y’all could all horse laugh me out if the party, but that’s not going to happen. It may be that a third party rises. That happens you know. The Republican Party started like that. Take the good and leave the bad. Then be firm. Remember, you can’t cross the Rubicon without getting your feet wet.



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