Let’s Go To The Lobby & Get Ourselves Some Snacks & Politics…
By: Joseph M. Lenard
For those that remember the dancing candy and popcorn singing “Let’s all go to the Lobby and get ourselves some treats” an “off the beaten path” piece about Movies – mainly The Thirteenth Floor…The Political MATRIX… and related Politics there-in… This will be followed up next week by/with more in “Movies, Snacks, Politics; part 2” piece.
OK, a bit LIGHTER post (but indeed major Political applications/undertones; as I can turn a discussion about turnips into a Political one; and some would also rightly point out I can usually find a bad/lame pun about/in any situation or any topic too, but that is a whole other subject; it’s just the way I’m built, and like I did my previous TLB items on Comedy, Interstellar-ET’s, Sports, Music, and previously Movies (and now again Films below); and cross-referencing to other directly or indirectly related other Political TLB pieces of mine throughout) All the sub-sections relating to modern Politics all “underlined” here-in for easy spotting…
Who all saw THE THIRTEENTH FLOOR (TTF)?? We’ll get to that more down-thread and how it relates to POLITICS and so many people’s attempts at DEFLECTION, DISTRACTION, AVOIDANCE OF REALITY.
But first… So, what is in Theaters Now, or maybe just left (no Political pun intended) by the time this article releases (and/or you read it) or Coming Soon to Cineplex near you. And, yes, which one’s have positive Conservative or as I now claim “ChristiTutionalist” Political under-tones, for a change, from what is the normal Leftist WOKEist bullshit ponderings and pandering?!?!?
I did see the new Jennifer Lawrence “NO HARD FEELINGS” (not just pure temporary escapism, but with important Political under-tone messaging for Teenagers and Parents alike) fully understanding it was/is indeed another cookie-cutter and predictable remake of the “CAN’T BUY ME LOVE” (Hughes) film someone remakes only slightly changed up every 10 years or so. I give that a very understandable “C” (yes, very “average”) and predictable script/movie. I also recently saw “FLASH” (give it a B+, loved all the Cameo’s (or Role reprisals) and was much better than I was expecting) as well as “ELEMENTAL” (give that a solid “B” but it too was somewhat “cookie-cutter and predictable” copy of so many similar such Animated fare fore it). The latest SPIDERMANVerseCartoon was better than I expected that to be too. The latest TRANSFORMERS, was to/for me very disappointing and I give it a “D” despite wanting, hoping, it would be good, as I enjoyed the Franchise previous deliveries. “FAST X” I walked out of after about 20min’s in “D-” to/for me (seriously, in 25 years will be “FAST XXX” (no, not X-rated, Fast 30) how “fast” can Dom wheel his wheel-chair? (I would have done a “Walker” with the tennis-balls on the bottom, but out of respect for Paul Walker and Fast-6 rankly the last actual good Fast film and they should have stopped after IMO)).
VIDEO (1m 56s): Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 3
“GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY: VOLUME 3” is still doing well at the Box Offices and for “good reason” IMO as I give that a “B+” while somewhat predictable some of the Comic Fare is less full of the latest “gotta pander manure” in it than the other options and too relating to our current/modern Political climate – the Rocket line “He didn’t want Perfect, he just hated things the way they were” is indeed PERFECT about any/all Commie, Fascist, Socialist, whateverist, Tyrants craving power, as no such thing as Perfect, they just want to be the MASTER of the IMPERFECT and Lord over all those they make miserable in their process (as discussed in my TLB “Law of Unintended Consequences” piece). GOTG3 therefore despite being 3rd in a Franchise, and/but having to FIT in the Comic Universe sub-pieces it must coexist somewhat predictability I give a hearty “A-” to/for.
My friend, Ed Bonderenka, of “Your American Heritage” Show on WAAM Radio, oft discusses the comparisons of the “THANOS” related plots and today’s Leftist depopulation agenda. So, there are some writers doing these ongoing Comic Fare franchises with some Conservative leanings (or clueless, like the originators of THE MATRIX franchise; who after Twitter dust-up with Elon, promised, and delivered Leftist messaging in Matrix-4 as “a trans-allegory” (character called “Switch” should have been your hint) as his WOKE revolt against Conservatives that love to use the Red-Pill meme; how these films would be perceived).
I so miss the days of calling in to Linda’s (RIP) American Dream show (Saturday’s NoonET) and being the “Un-Official WAAM movie-correspondent” as she used to call me (RIP “Lovely Linda” – shout-out to/about Linda and Thayrone’s FUNDRAISER in her honor (and as is also referenced on/in my Terror Strikes Charities (help those in need) page)). We always discussed the Political connections in/between Movies.
I was very much interested in seeing the latest from Mel Gibson and Jim Caviezel about Human-Trafficking; that took them years to film and even a few more to get distributorship to get it into Theaters. Certainly one of the most important Films of our time, on such an important topic as such is quickly growing and surpassing the Drug Trafficking Trade in illegal profits enriching the Cartels.
Next week (“Movies and Politics, part 2) I will go into a previous Savaged Unfiltered podcast we did on “Movies Throughout the Ages” (and, obviously now too, since my ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast mainly covers my TLB piece topics will be covering that/this 2 weeks in a row, but this edition I want to point out some previously written some articles on movies (related, older) items (not gonna greatly expand this piece “quoting” from them, just providing for those who really, truly, love the additional Rabbit-holes I like to provide in my pieces to go down later)…
Hollywood Hatefest © 2011, 2019
Maleficent 2 Review (surprisingly “Christian”/“Redemption” film) © 2019
Last Christmas Review (as well as “Harriet” (political) and “Over-comer” (Christian Political) fare reviews there-in) © 2019
Hollywood Redemption? (opportunity/window now closed/passed) © 2019
VIDEO (2m 8s): The Thirteenth Floor (Preview):
OK, where was I originally going with this?? Oh yes…
Who all saw THE THIRTEENTH FLOOR (TTF)?? Politics, and so many’s attempts at deflection, distraction, avoidance of reality, is very much implied there-in.
It was THE MATRIX, before that series began later in the same year – 1999.
IMO, far more believable/realistic, well still a movie and requires some suspension of PHYSICS as we currently know it, than the Keanu version ( but, yes, love both ( and see related MATRIX-4 related “Enemy of My Enemy Notion” TLB piece ) franchises ). TTF is based upon the great Sci-Fi book SIMULICRON-3 ( see the movie HERE: if you can stand to watch on a small screen, or can Chromecast (or whatever) it over to your TV)
With current updates in Technology, a form of “Matrix” or another is closer to reality than ever before… Imagine a real Matrix, the likely future of being able to put on 3D-Virtual-Reality googles and download yourself into your SIMCITY to interact with your City and your Sims! When put like that, not so farfetched. And, of course, THE SIMS don’t know they’re DIGITAL BEINGS! And, again, since we mainly talk Politics here, as relevant about Left and their propensity and desire for deflections, distractions, distorted-science, to want to retreat to a Bubble of delusion they prefer than deal with Facts/Reality permanent diversion from Reality rather than just occasional minor escapes of Sports or a TV-series.
TTF for me is my all-time-fave movie, EVER! Why? Cuz it is not just Sci-Fi, but intertwines Film-noir, Crime Drama, General Drama, Romance, Thriller, Suspense, all in one great package.
VIDEO (3m 43s): The Cardigans – Erase/Rewind (TTF OST) [You know the difference in Me’s]:
TTF is from the great Director ROLAND EMMERICH (Centropolis Productions) the genius behind many Blockbuster films like Midway, The Patriot (with Mel Gibson), Stargate (which of course spurred the 10 Seasons of Stargate-SG1 TV-series and subsequent spin-off Series’; and he has been fighting with MGM for more than 2 decades now for a STARGATE Trilogy return to Theaters they block), Independence Day (the movie franchise series), The Day After Tomorrow, [the modern] Godzilla [reboot, and sequels], White-House Down (though I personally thought Antoine Fuqua’s other one “Olympus Has Fallen” (and its sequel) was a better variation of the same theme), 2012, Moonfall; all way over-the-top type action-dramas as well as many of them Sci-Fi related; more…
“Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You” StoryRocket Movie Project.
This is not the first time we’ve gone into movies here on TLB in my pieces, and how they relate politically. Free Guy, Matrix-4, and others, mentioned in “Enemy of my Enemy notion.”
(#ROAR) Restore Our American Republic!
Check out this article’s corresponding ChristiTutionalist Politics podcast episode S1E5.
That’s it for now, hope you’ll check-out next week (Sat Jul 29) “Movies, Snacks, and Politics” (the part 2 of this) where we’ll continue down the Road about WOKEism and more in Movies. Also touting the great “Sound Of Freedom” those in Pedowood trying to CANCEL (seriously, of course the Left attacks anything about countering abuse of Children, since they love slaughtering Babies in the Womb). As well as discussion of “Idiocracy” (remember that Film, spot-on to where FASCICRATS/DUMBocrats path leading us down. Yes, and as said in Infomercial’s – but wait there is more!!! “The Purge” series of hilarity trying to make people think GOP wants a Theocracy! LOL While silent, on the converse Film “The Hunt!”
Rare opportunity for me to tout some upcoming (as well as a couple previous) TLB pieces from me; as I have several ready (about 95% complete) awaiting some minor final touches just before these expected/anticipated publication dates:
Sa 7/8/23 – TLB: Remembering Freedoms & Rights beyond 4th-Of-July Holiday – CTP: S1E3
Sa 7/15/23 – TLB: Remembering Freedoms & Rights (part 2) – CTP: S1E4
Sa 7/22/23 – TLB: Let’s All go to the Lobby, for Snacks & Politics [this piece] – CTP: S1E5
Sa 7/29/23 – TLB: Movies and Politics (part 2) – CTP: S1E6
Sa 8/5/23 – TLB: BIDENomics, ‘working’ (Alinsky / Cloward & Piven planned) – CTP: S1E7
Sa 8/12/23 – TLB: ’Norton v Shelby,’ and Government over-reach / usurpation – CTP: S1E8
Sa 8/19/23 – TLB: BIDENomics part 2 – CTP: S1E9
And, yes, again, be sure to tune-in to each Saturday’s corresponding ChristiTutionalist Politics (SUBSCRIBE) shows (Season 1, Episodes 3-9) for further additional/exclusive content on those topics, as well as see the CTP Show episode transcript for additional bonus material.
My Closing …
All gave some, some gave all — honoring fallen beyond one “Memorial” weekend (LEO’s, Military, others that faithfully PROTECT AND SERVE to preserve Freedom and Security under our Constitution (equally/equality) and remembering our Freedoms/Rightsfor all. They make it possible for me to be able to freely post this, and you to read it without threat of FASCICRATS beating in your door for (Orwell style) WRONG-THINK (at least, SO FAR, for many/most (some illegally, improperly, held as Political Prisoners on trumped up charges that is happening already) sadly many refuse to do even the bare-minimum to preserve our Freedoms/Republic so many fought and died for). Remember those Fighting, fought, or died in Service to our great Nation
Image Credit: Graphic in Featured Image (top) – Pixabay License.
About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!
Joseph Martin Lenard (@JLenardDetroit)
Author: Terror Strikes (buy)
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