Let’s Settle POTUS Part of Primary, Before Too Early Discussion of VP Slot!
By: Joseph M. Lenard
[First, let me apologize to anyone looking forward to/for the “Dem’s always ignore this (and we all pay) natural Law of unintended consequences…” piece pre-promoted across all my Social-Media platforms for release on June 17th. This is pre-empting it, and that piece will now appear later in June or early July – a “tease” and “spoiler” of something to look forward to; at least I hope you will.]
Can we STOP the silly speculations (too deep into) who can, could, would, should, be the VP be, before we have a damn POTUS nominee??? Yes, of course, people enter a Presidential Primary for many reasons, including positioning for VP or a Cabinet slot and sometimes a setup for another Run in a future cycle. It is strategically sound to do so, and with POTUS45 the clear front-runner, prohibitive favorite for the 2024 GOP nomination, short of a full Trump meltdown or Miracle for another of the Candidates, the nomination is indeed likely his – but let’s not put the Cart before the Horse as indeed the Primary process does need to go through the process and WE THE PEOPLE (we Republicans, anyway, in this case) get to have our say.
VIDEO (6m 21s): Trump/DeSantis trade barbs – like in NameThatTune, Trump bids change in Six months DeSantis claims need for 8 years – and both are correct in certain but different/varying respects (CBS):
First up, of course, Iowa Caucus (at least for 2024 again, might that change in future?). For-the-record, my “strategic” choice for Trump VP, should he coast to nomination, is either Kristi Noem or Tim Scott; but as the title of this article says – WAY TOO EARLY FOR THESE DISCUSSIONS. If I could wave a magic-wand and make the selections to hopefully have GOP Governance in D.C. for until 2044 (because, while Trump is right we need to undo many #JoeBiDUMB things in POTUS47’s 1st year in Office, DeSantis is correct that it will take 8 to get other things done, and frankly it took 75 years for us to get this far down the deep hole we are now in and will take decades (as a POTUS cannot do all things by self, we must have control of both US House and US Senate ( need a Senate super-majority) and therefore potentially decades of our ROAR/governance to #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic)) … and this would be my dream-ticket’s going forward: #TrumpNoem2024 #NoemScott2028 #ScottDeSantis2036.
VIDEO (9m 23s): Tim Scott enters 2024 GOP POTUS Primary – TheHill speculates he is vying for VP slot:
Aside from the VP speculation, we especially need stop the ridiculous back-and-forth 6 year old Alinsky (Left-wing FASCICRATS playbook) style assaults on Primary opponents (from far too many, but mainly Trump v DeSantis (and vice-versa) supporters)!!!
FIRST (I’ll get to the 6 year old Alinsky “Rules for Radicals: What Constitutional Conservatives Should Know About Saul Alinsky” (Hillsdale College briefing) attacks bullshit later down)…
Since the Questions don’t stop about – Would, could, DeSantis make a good VP choice for Trump??? Answering that Question with a Question: “IS DESANTIS (OR TRUMP) LEAVING THE STATE OF FLORIDA?” Otherwise, NOT HAPPENING, and CANNOT HAPPEN, Law/Constitutional limitation. For that reason was exactly why Dick Cheney moved to Wyoming from Texas to be able to be G.W. Bush’s VP running-mate.
Can we deal in reality?!?!?
Also, it is about strategy, we don’t need DeSantis on the ticket to shore up Florida (or help with FL Electoral Votes, should be a given in 2024, if not we have already lost 2024, and why it important to NOT beat down DeSantis or any FL delegation; they, all State GOP delegations, regardless of solid Conservative, Moderate, or full-on CINO/RINO to coalesce and Win) what we do need is a very more STRATEGIC choice for VP (geographic, to help with “Flyover Country” (as sadly too often called) Battle-Ground States; as well as other strategic considerations/factors).
History matters… Strategy going forward matters…
All the way back to LINCOLN (R) with Andrew Johnson (D), “unity ticket” (and exactly why Boothe and conspirators wanted to Kill Lincoln to get Johnson into Office to mitigate much of the reconstruction and end proposed reparations plans of Lincoln. That’s right the Racist #demoKKKrats killed Lincoln to BLOCK reparations (40 Acres and a Mule, so they had “wealth” and “property” and a “stake in American Dream to earn their own Living) but today PRETEND to want them when no Slaves or Slaveholders to cough-up the cost are around. But that is a whole other needed long article/discussion (and I don’t want to drone on here, but spare-us THE BIG SWITCH manure latest lies and attempts to Dodge, Deflect, Deny, Distract, Distort, #demoKKKrat History (yet another needed long discussion (no-one summed it up more succinctly though than D’Souza video sub-clip (2m 30s) from “Hillary’s America” docu-Drama))).
Lyndon B. Johnson (D) to JFK (D), generational and “insider” balance.
HW “insider” to balance Reagan’s “outsider” (though had been CA Gov) status.
Quayle for HW, generational strategic balance (and Mid-West Battle-Grounds needs).
Cheney to GW, DC insider to GW’s (local, State, appeal) balance.
Palin attempting to bring ACTUAL CONSERVATIVE BASE to/for John McLame.
Pence for Trump 2016 for Mid-West Battle-Ground needs and “former Congressional member ‘insider'” as well as former Indiana Governor to balance Trump “non-Politician outsider” status.
VIDEO (6m 01s): Johnson takes over for Lincoln, keeps South Leadership structure despite losing War:
In-my-opinion, why Noem is best choice for Trump 2024, as SORRY but Facts matter and Trump did support (though did not Order any, didn’t have authority) lockdowns and mask mandates, and Noem did NOT have one-day of either in SD (something DeSantis can’t say, and even Charlie Crist tried to attack Ron from the Right on that during the FL-Gov battle/debates). DeSantis then can have REAL CONSIDERATIONS at/in 2028 along with Noem and Scott should Biden get reelected. But what is the title of this article again? “Can we settle the POTUS part of our Primary, before too early discussion of VP slot?!?!” I just did so; a bit, again; sure to get my choices out into the ether – more importantly to hopefully made the very point about there is a long time between now and when the time for the ticket to be enjoined, come together, and the General Election Campaigning to begin, and a whole lot can happen between now and then.
As for the 6 year old NAME-CALLING…
Yes, there is an HONEST way (still within the right, proper, correct, what became known as Reagan’s 11th Commandment confines) to point out differences between Primary opponents, but for the most part one should (think the Oscars slap) KEEP YOUR DAMN PRIMARY OPPONENTS NAME OUT YA DAMN MOUTH!!!
I won’t go too in-depth into that here, but will quote myself from my “Why I (as ChristiTutionalist) oppose proposed “FAIR Tax” scheme…” article…
There is ZERO REASON to be attacking DeSantis, Haley, ANYONE, on GOP side…. Trump will take 2024 GOP POTUS Primary IN A CAKE WALK (barring major Trump catastrophe/meltdown or other massive miracle from Heaven for one of the others) in-my-opinion… Can we FOCUS on Shit that matters?!?!?!
There is ZERO NEED for folks to attack DeSantis over the POTUS Primary
Nor any need to say BOO about Niki (whom I will discuss more, down-thread), going nowhere…
BUT we are going to need ALL WHO RUN THIS CYCLE pulling together to Win in 2024
…. which indeed does also cover the Primary childishness already happening a bit in the article (and even more in the additional comment I added post-publication – indent below) just harming/destroying our chances to UNSEAT BIDEN. As LIKE IT OR NOT in Order to not just defeat our Opponent but to HAVE THE NUMBERS WE NEED to overcome the coming even more Fraud than in the 2020 Election we’ll all need to COME TOGETHER for the common goal/aim or our Nation is TOAST. The real Question remains: Will others finally get Asses off their Couch, starting NOW, and do things that matter (not just whine-online) for us to be able to Win and #RestoreOurAmericanRepublic ?!?!?
InstaGram DM discussion
Thoughts on #DeSantis #TwitterSpaces (always bad idea, in my former IT guy opinion) launch?MG: Reason why Trump attacks him
Weak move
ME: Let’s be FAIR… Trump team would SPIN attack even if went w/o glitch
but yep, #EPICFAIL
U know me, not #TrumpCult (like #ObamaZombie Snowflakes were) nor #TDS (like moron Liz Cheney and others); both extremes are emotional hysterics and not logic/reason, and I’m always about #PrinciplesNotPersonalities and merits! Lots GREY AREA. #Trump2024 is certainty IMO, no need attack others!Think the Oscars – KEEP YOUR OPPONENTS NAME OUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH! Focus on YOU and Biden/FASCICRATS!!
Trump if avoids his own MELTDOWN is assured the nomination, ZERO need to talk about the other NON-FACTORS in the GOP Primary —- whom we all will still need Post-Primary to Win the General.
Since we discussed VP STRATAGEM, let’s discuss Presidential politics strategy also. You see my friends there is this thing called CONTEXT. There is the BIG PICTURE and the LITTLE PICTURE. There is the SHORT-TERM and there is the LONG-TERM goals/considerations. There is the NOW versus THEN or maybe the FUTURE.
Niki Haley, whom I was happy to support as South-Carolina Governor (as I did Mitt RINOmney for MA-Gov, but not for POTUS (but, yes, of course, Mitt would have still been infinitely better if Elected than #obaMAO)), she did a very good Job there/then, and was happy with her as U.N. Ambassador; but NO not worthy of consideration for GOP POTUS nomination when we have many other better choices right now (but could be part of Trump Cabinet again – each can/may play a significant part). State by State strategy must differentiate, as well as who we consider for National Office. We are NOT going to get rock-solid Conservatives in Blue-States (Chris Christie, yes I supported for NJ-Gov, as) RINOs are the best we are going to get Elected as Republicans in such States, but Christie (as others mentioned in this section) would be my LAST DITCH OPTION/CHOICE for our GOP POTUS nomination now or ever.
I greatly objected to John McLame in AZ-Sen, however, as Arizona back then was SOLID RED STATE and we could have and should have done better (AZ is now Purple; sadly due to many Leftists previously moving from CA (exporting/expanding BLUE-ism, but now Conservatives are moving from CA) and taking their Voting habits with them plus Illegal Immigration; and we must Fight to get it back into Red State column). Intra-State vs Inter-State stratagems must take in differing factors if we are to Save Our States as well as Save Our Republic. But, yes, like #RINOmney, Senator Aricept as I labeled him, NOT my 2008 Primary choice, once became GOP 2008 nominee, clear better choice/option than #obaMAO then too.
Again, like with Christie, possible best we could hope for in NJ for Gov (though I do believe Jack Ciattarelli (a great choice/option, far more Conservative than Christie) IMO Won the 2022 NJ-Gov race (again stolen in middle of the night, Vote count shutdown, and when resumed MIRACLE, Murphy overtook Jack and Won, just like the questionable Battle-Ground States for Biden in 2020, and why we MUST have Election Reforms (State by State) per Constitution). I would never Vote for Christie in a Primary, but if by miracle he got nomination (or were VP nominee) I’d certainly Vote for him over ANY OF THE FASCICRATS!
[image source: TheLibertyBeacon: “Election Reforms – Needed Now” article]
All gave some, some gave all — honoring fallen beyond one “Memorial” weekend — for me to be able to freely post this, and you to read it without threat of FASCICRATS beating in your door for (Orwell style) WRONG-THINK (at least, SO FAR, for many/most (some illegally, improperly, held as Political Prisoners on trumped up charges that is happening already) sadly many refuse to do even the bare-minimum to preserve our Freedoms/Republic so many fought and died for). Remember those Fighting, fought, or died in Service to our great Nation.
Image Credit: Graphic in featured image (top) – by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay
About the Author: Joseph M. Lenard was a former writer for Super Simple Computer Enterprises, REDSTATE, Grassfire, and Rattle With Us – MI TEAParty (where he was Writing Committee Chair) and others. Joseph is a current content provider at Before It’s News and The Liberty Beacon. He is also the Author of: “Terror Strikes: Coming Soon to a City Near You”!
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