My Invisible Guy In The Sky Can Whip Your Invisible Guy In The Sky
Commentary by: Bill the Butcher
You can’t win a soul by winning an argument. I already hear the dissenting opinions from the peanut gallery going on and on about theorem, doctrine, and articles of faith with all the ten, or even twenty-dollar words far beyond the reach of my free, online thesaurus. But that doesn’t change the truth. It all boils down to the same thing! “My invisible guy in the sky can whip your invisible guy in the sky.”
That is the beginning of every religious debate I’ve ever been in. And forget about the atheists. They don’t have an invisible guy in the sky. They rely on directly attacking their opponent who already has his mind made up based on some archaic book of whatever revision that he may buy into as he tries to lay word traps and skirt around his own shortcomings.
This article is not trying to analyze the debate between apples and oranges where the atheist tries to hijack the writings he claims to abhor in an effort to trip up the famous televangelist, as he perverts the vernacular into something called “The Prosperity Gospel.” Let us pray.
If you want that go to a WWF wrestling match. It’s just as scripted and phony where the opponents proclaim their love for each other while inwardly hoping that their opposition would suddenly develop explosive diarrhea right there in the ring with the evidence leaking out of their shorts! No! This is not about that. This is about two “experts” debating over did Jesus served Pinot Noir or Welchade at the last supper.
Many a Thanksgiving Dinners have been ruined by the Southern Baptist participants sitting down and the family Mormon who calls himself a Bishop, asks to say the blessing. The participants will quickly find that the turkey has deteriorated into Spam with one side trying to justify their slant on the gospel according to some papyrus scrap the size of a postage stamp of dubious linage found somewhere in a Starbucks in Egypt while the “Bishop” bets his salvation on the belief that some kid supposedly dug up golden plates on an unimposing hill in New York and neither combatant can prove anything except the potato salad needed more salt. And no one at the table was “saved” by any stretch of the imagination. The traditional American Thanksgiving dinner! Turkey, dressing, and word salad.
If you want to win souls, you can’t win them with an argument in whatever form you choose to call it. Even the Devil doesn’t twist your arm. He just lures you into doing what you wanted to do anyway. Why, it’s not adultery. It’s love. And God is love no matter if it’s at the tabernacle or the Motel 6. God understands. He sure as “hell” does! Put your pants back on Reverend!
The Mormons claim they believe in the Bible, so far as it’s accurately translated. Well, news flash! No version of the Bible is accurately translated. There are thousands upon thousands of remnants of the Bible all the way from that postage stamp I previously mentioned up to a 99.99% complete version resting on display in some dusty museum somewhere and not one of them is “accurately translated” according to the standards set by Joseph Smith.
Most came from the exhausted hand of some scribe, unpaid and unappreciated, of dubious learning who tried to clarify Ancient Greek at three AM after a bottle of wine. And not the good stuff either. That was preserved for the bishop! What could possibly go wrong?
Well, for one you are assuming the scribe understood the Greek culture that produced the manuscript being translated. The Gospels were written in Greek, not Aramaic. Jesus spoke Aramaic. Paul wrote in Greek. If Paul claimed to be “A Pharisee of Pharisees” how come he didn’t write his epistles in Hebrew? Because he was selling his product to Walmart, not Walgreens. The council that developed the King James Bible translated it into King James’ English and King James was watching. He was particularly allergic to the word “Monarch,” because retirement for Kings could be a bitch!
Over the centuries the meaning of words changed and evolved. Right after the Council of Nicaea the word “church” meant THE Church, spelled with a capital “C.” After Martin Luther stuck his ninety-five Postit Notes to the door of the All Saints Church in Wittenberg the capital “C” was dropped, and THE Church became just a church with a small “c” and eventually became an “assembly” long about 1611 or so. That’s why the King James is known as “The Revised Edition,” and the King, Queen, or whomever wears the crown holds the copyright of the world’s best selling if not the best translated book in history. Sorry Mohammed. You didn’t make the cut.
By the time the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints entered the scene Joesph Smith just threw in the towel and wrote his own Bible, which currently has over four thousand edits and corrections to “The world’s most perfect book” as far as it is accurately translated. And it’s only been just over one hundred and ninety-four years since Holy Joe was searching for a publisher in Canada. Just imagine after two thousand years. Not one jot or tittle? Try a rambling story with a hundred through lines. Lawdy Lawdy! Papyrus anyone?
And I’m not casting aspersions upon the Holy Mormon Empire. God forbid. It’s just the tip of the spear. The shaft is all the other Whack a doodles that came out at the same time, practically from the same part of the United States. And the little girls got the shaft.
Revivalist religion was IN! I mean, Netflix wasn’t around. The Jehovah’s Wittnesses took the line from the Gospel of John 1:1 that says, “And the word WAS god,” sprinkled a little fairy dust on it and it read, “And the Word was A god!” God, in His many manifestations, bless ‘Murika!” E Pluribus Urine!
And all of this comes back to that Thanksgiving table, when the family adjourns to the den (or back porch if you’re in Arkansas) and become fishers of men according to whatever revision they support. In all likelihood the fish ain’t biting. Point, counterpoint, raised voices and glasses, and eventually everyone leaves to go home vowing to never do THAT again!
Let us remember the words of the Prophet, Paul McCartney:
Eleanor Rigby died in the church and was buried along with her name
Nobody came
Father McKenzie wiping the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave
No one was saved
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I came from a family of dogmatic Baptists. They think they got it all figured out. Me, I dunno. I believe in God, but I don’t pretend to have a corner on the truth. Show me your faith by your works, not your words. Faith without works is dead.