And the soul that turneth after such as have familiar spirits and after wizards, to go a whoring after them, I will even set my face against that soul, and I will cut him off from among his people. Leviticus 20:6

 Commentary by Bill the Butcher

It is imperative that America return to a Christian nation. The melting pot theory that has reigned for over two hundred years was all very fine for public relations, but tares have been sown into our wheat and if we do not root them out then all that is America will cease to exist. From alien religions to our own home-grown mega-churches’ things are piling up to bring us down. Key to this is the understanding of the Gospel. It has become chic to run Christianity down while at the same time embracing every perversion known to man. God is not mocked, and He has all the time to let us tear it all down and start again. His will be done!

I wake up to the sound of music
Mother Mary comes to me
Speaking words of wisdom
Let it be

Angels and Demons

The Tares

But while the man slept, his enemy came and sowed Tares among the wheat, and went his way.

We all have that little voice in our head. For some that voice is louder than for others. The voice of experience, or reason, call it what you will. Others see it as something more. A voice of another intelligent mind. And perhaps it is. But test the spirits.

There are alternative realities. The accumulation of information while working for weeks on a project may bring forth an idea from the depths of the subconscious that gives the world a great innovation. Or an alien voice that misleads mankind for centuries. We should test the spirits because there are aliens out there and they are not what your conspiracy theorists tell you they are! They are angels and demons!

The understanding of the nature of this alternative reality of angels and demons has undergone a metamorphosis since ancient times. From the simple question of why bad things happen to good people that leads to a labyrinth of theories up to and including the absolute denial of the human equation altogether and the cancellation of any reality other than the 3D Technicolor world we can see, touch, hear, feel, and smell. These theories fill volumes, but the truth lies somewhere between the treatment center and The garden of Eden. Between Dante’s inferno and Linda Blair. Psychologists call it a disorder. The Religious call it a vision. Psychologists say we are made up of three components. Ego, superego and Id.*Theologians separate us into Flesh, soul, and spirit. The song remains the same. Reality is a state of mind, and the mind is not the brain. The mind is undefinable. It is a finely mixed combination of the three components no matter what you choose to call them. And this mind is a cosmic buffet. With a dash of free will. Your choice. One from column A, or one from column B. Angels or Demons!

*In psychoanalytic theory, the Id, ego and superego are three distinct, interacting agents in the psychic apparatus, defined by Sigmund Freud’s structural model of the psyche. (Wikipedia)

If you are a believer and consider the story of humanity you most likely accept that God created man and woman. Since there are two versions of this in Genesis you must accept the either/or paradox or just understand that Ancient Hebrew is simply not King James English. You cannot reconcile the two unless you understand the base concepts just below the surface. So God created man and woman. Then you must explain Lilith.

According to Jewish lore, Lilith was the first wife of Adam. Although not mentioned directly in the Bible, Lilith has been used to explain the two contradictory versions of Creation within the book of Genesis. Like Adam, Lilith was created from the dust and the earth, making them equal to one another. When Lilith refused to lie beneath Adam, asserting her equality, Adam insisted that she should perform her wifely duties.

By refusing to submit, Lilith incurred the wrath of God and fled to the Red Sea, where she was cast from paradise forever and became the succubus (a temptress of innocent men), the breeder of evil spirits, and a child-murdering monster of the night. Lilith’s defiance of the masculine order forced her to become the ultimate symbol of all that is demonised within the traditional patriarchal society: chaos, seduction, and ungodliness.

Courtesy of Greenlit

You must realize that they were not complete and there were updates. Heart, lungs, urinary tract, brain, a fig leaf and the psychological software required to operate the machine. If you are a naturalist, ie evolution, science, medicine and all the deviations thereof you pretty much agree on the end product but have issue with the manufacturing date, but the song remains the same. The human mind and body and all of its components thereof is complicated. Every day doctors discover some “new” innovation about the human body. Some believe God created man, but others believe a tornado going through a junkyard can create a Cadillac. Viv La Différence!

You can’t see an emotion. You can’t see a thought. You can see the result of them, but you cannot see the cause per sae because it is simply not visible to an MRI. Oh you can see brain damage but that just tells us there is a short circuit, and no reliable output is possible. But what about a situation where all the circuits seem to be popping and dropping but Ted Bundy is still out there tooling around in his yellow Volkswagen looking for a date? Theist or atheist, you are forced to agree that something is afoul!

The secular mind will fall back on psychology. But if psychology were the answer why do we have the DSM 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5? Wouldn’t you think all those high-minded doctors and scientists would have figured it out by now? Did they all train at Boeing? At any rate that dog won’t hunt. But neither will the preacher screaming hell fire down at the first Amalgamated Church of the Assumption and Hamburger Bar. And some religious nut always comes up with a “new revelation,” available only to him to a situation that has existed long before time. Just change your name to Koresh, Jim Jones or Joseph Smith and call yourself a prophet. Be careful about them prophets! When you’re trying to figure out the human mind confine yourself to “self,” You are you and nobody lives in your skin no matter how many times they lay hands on you. And oh what a tale they weave.

I know a man. He’d had a stroke about five years ago. Now, he drives a car, walks, talks, and generally makes life a hell on earth for everyone around him. He’s a malignant narcissist and has been everywhere, done everything, and knows everyone! Helped Billy Gibbons tune his first guitar. Just ask him. He’ll tell you! He’s Mormon, so of course he’s working his way up to running his own planet. Hey! If he wants to run a planet more power to him. Everyone should have a planet. I mean Hitler tried, right? And all this man’s smoke and mirrors work just fine until someone tries to challenge his wisdom and he’s caught in a lie, which is in practically every conversation. Then his stroke kicks in. He can rattle off like an auctioneer until you challenge him and then he just can’t seem to understand the simplest words or phrases so he stutters and sputters like a two-year-old until he has the floor again and then he gas lights his opponent and continues to prophesy with greater veracity than before. My question is if he can’t understand someone when they disagree with him how does he construct long, complicated dissertations about his whacked out theological theories while impugning his behavior on his questioner? Asking for a friend. And as to his stroke. Ok, he had a stroke. I had polio, encephalitis, and a touch of malaria at the age of three. It left me blind In my right eye and deaf in my left ear. And I catch “his holiness” in his lies and stupidity every time he opens his mouth. You’ve met these people. They try to explain your skin to you. Remember, nobody lives in your skin! Now, I don’t live in this guy’s skin either, but I understand he likes little girls’ skin, a lot, which is not unusual for prophets. Know them by their fruits. Millstones anyone?

Consider that time before time began God had a clean slate. A perfect zero. In the beginning there was . . . God. Just God. Nothing more, nothing less. But it wasn’t really zero. Not zero as we understand it. The origin of zero is clouded in mystery. But it wasn’t nothing. Zero was just a placeholder dancing around decimal points adding exponentials with no real value of its own. Trying to understand zero is yet another one of those things we aren’t equipped to understand. Like pi. But God’s clean slate has nothing to do with zero. In the mind of God there can be no zero for all things that were, is, or ever will be already exists there. If there were a true zero it would imply that God was nothing which isn’t possible because God told Moses, “I am that I am. Eternally existing with no beginning and no end. If there were a true zero it would imply there is something God didn’t know which is impossible because He is omnipotent. He was there, and we’re here now! And us? Give me a break. Got had a perfect situation and He brought us in. And what are we? The proverbial unemployed brother-in-law in the spare bedroom. No wonder Satan doesn’t like us!

Because the essence of God is not the same as ours. Our understanding of the universe, or our attempted 3D perception of it is inadequate. Trying to understand the universe is the same as trying to decipher time before time which is impossible for the finite mind. You’re trying to do it right now. If there is a God, then who or what made God, or that God, or the God before that? See? You can’t even think of it! Because, yet again, one more thing we were never designed to understand.

We were designed finite. When try to define the infinite by finite principles we are just a peg in a round hole trying to dig deeper into the subatomic level for an answer that is not composed of atoms.

27So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

Every living thing that moves on the earth. Not those living things on other levels of existence. Those that can see us, but we can’t see them! Those who do not obey what we call “natural law,” or physics. Entities that regard us as interlopers in the grand scheme of things but others who understand and accept God’s long-range plan for the universe He created. Black and white. Positive and negative. Ying and yang. Angels and Demons

God created all things through Jesus Christ, and we can’t uncreate it by saying it just ain’t so! Those who study the Big Bang invariably run up against the problem of before the bang. First, if they posit that indescribably tiny origin of the bit of matter containing all the Legos that would populate to universe. Then they have to contemplate that zero problem, and of course, who lit the fuse?

The Fishes and the Loaves Revisited

What we are addressing here is the creation of matter. Remember the fishes and the loaves? C’mon. If you’re reading this article, you’ve been to Sunday school. The fishes and the loaves! Big show. Jesus was the featured speaker. Five thousand tickets sold. Kids got in free. Nobody brought lunch! Peter had one order of Long John Silvers and he was saving that for himself. Jesus told them to handle it and the disciples just stood there like twelve deer in headlights. So, Jesus took a basket, reached in and voila! Red Lobster! Then another basket, and another until everyone got full. Now remember, when lunch started there was only one single serving of fish and chips. Five thousand hungry people and no telling how many screaming kids! Do the math. You can’t ’cause there ain’t none! Yet Jesus reached into a basket, and we have fish from nowhere. He created mass! Made something where nothing was. In all our arrogance we can’t create anything! We can rearrange atoms. We can make an omelette out of an egg, but we can’t create the egg! Only God can do that! And Jesus did that! What does that make him. Universe or egg. It’s all in a day’s work for God. Ok.

Now think about a being that can see your emotions, can see your thoughts. Imagine a being that existed long before we did and understands the design of the human being and its strengths and weaknesses. Take being fruitful, tweek it and call it homosexuality. Totally counter to God’s intent. Take man’s quest for knowledge, go in a thousand different directions and call it education. And take love, point it south, and call it hate. Take the complete perversion of the mind, call it philosophy, or the marvelous diversity of life and call it evolution.

God gathers and Satan scatters.

But one day God had enough. The very idea of rising up against the Creator Himself was ludicrous, but trying to actually replace Him was insane. But the Devil was all in. He had to play the hand. And he ended up in the place he hated the most. Facing God’s solution. And it was brilliant.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

Do you think Satan lost that war the day before he came upon Eve walking around naked in the Garden of Eden? He was from another dimension. One not restricted by time, and with full vision of both manifestations of the mind of God. And in his pride he thought his understanding meant he was like God but think! God did not create angels in His image he created man in it. Pride, intellect, cognizant of God’s glory and gets tromped by a naked woman! Satan has obviously never been to a Texas bar. Satan wanted to challenge God? Fine! God made man in His image. And Satan took the bait.

So what was his plan? If he could pervert just one part of God’s design he perverts it all. If you have just a little crap in your hand you still have crap in your hand. And what better perversion than imparting the one thing that had perverted him. The knowledge of good and evil. It was more than he could handle . It was certainly more than she could handle, and just forget about Adam. He’d never been to a Texas bar either!

So God was tricked. Or was He? Did He really make a mistake not only leaving that tree out there in the garden, and then letting the newlyweds know where it was and what it was? And why did He cast Satan down to earth, and then create man and all the trimmings just so Satan could come along and screw it all up? God made man to complete his heaven. He didn’t destroy Satan because that would be man’s job. The most embarrassing defeat He could hand him.

Fishes, Loaves and Tares

Jesus called Satan the Prince of this world but He made it clear that the Devil had no power over Him. And since Jesus was wholly man and wholly God Satan had no real power over man either except when man gives him that power. Given the right tools and enough time this being called man would complete the job Michael and the angels started in heaven. And that would be the total defeat of Satan and his one-third army and then the New Heaven and the New Earth would be here. Then the curtain between the dimensions would be ripped and all would be one just as God planned from the beginning.

But the war is made up of individual battles, and we all live in our own skin. Battles within the soul of each man and woman. Some will win and see the light. Some will lose and be blinded by the light. Satan knows he cannot win, but wishes to take as many with him as he can. Jesus gave us a get out of hell free card from the cross. Satan can’t match that bet. So instead he makes sinning fun.

Demons are portrayed by seven headed dragons in the movies. You tell me. Would you kiss a seven headed dragon? Now, would you kiss a young girl you met in a bar? If nobody knew? C’mon! This is Weird Wilbur you’re talking to. You know you would! I would. And Satan knows this and so does Jesus. That’s why the plan for salvation was made easy, up to a point. You have to be sorry. I mean really sorry. When you mess up the first time you feel bad but if you continue that behavior it gets easier every time until your conscience runs dry, and that day will come when you’re not sorry. And then you will be sorry. Sorry that you can’t feel sorry any more and then you have no more sorry in you because you are sorry. About the most sorry thing you have ever saw and you’ll never get it back no matter how hard you try.

And I know the more modern, the more intellectual, and yes, the more theological those out there will poo poo my use of the Bible here. God made the Bible simple because He knew he was dealing with us. Do you think there was a real Good Samaritan? Who knows. The story was an example. How about a real Adam and Eve? I can hear the Atheists laughing right now. But let me give you this. Will you admit that at some point there was a primate that suddenly became self aware? Wondered who, what, where, and when? Didn’t eat the kids? Even if it took a million years. Because God said, “Let us make man in our own image.” And after the war in heaven when Satan was cast down. God even told him that before it was all over he would bow to that being. God’s image, but understanding he is not God. He is the Son of God. And the Son of man.

All around us the battle still goes on. The Bible says Satan enlisted one-third of the angels in heaven but it doesn’t give us a number. God always buys in bulk. I mean, look how many stars and galaxies He made. We could have done with one. But can you imagine how many angels there are? And how many went AWOL that day? And each and every one of them would take a lifetime just to numb your conscience. Take your “sorry” away. And they are legion, for they are many. Like mosquitoes at a BBQ! Don’t worry. God gave you Easy Off!

My Story

I conclude with my story. 3216 Laurel Street, Shreveport Louisiana , the early 50s. I was a baby, sometime before the age of three. I know I was a baby because I was sleeping between my mother and father. During the night I was awakened. Someone was pulling my foot, lifting me out of bed. The bed was surrounded by beings. Though I could not clearly see them I could understand that even though I was afraid they meant me no harm. And they began to pass me among them, all saying, “Poor Billy!” Then they gently placed me back between my mom and dad. Not long after that I contracted polio and encephalitis. I was taken to the Schumpert Hospital. One night while my mother was in the chapel praying a nurse came to me. A traditional nun because the nurses were nuns. She washed my face and told me I would leave the hospital the next day. The morning found me walking around the ward. The doctors scratched their heads and I pushed my cousin playfully up and down the hall in a wheelchair we’d found as my parents finished the final paperwork for my release. I was left blind in my right eye and deaf in my right ear. And I never forgot the nun. She told me her name was “Margo!” You don’t have to be crazy to have a memory like that. But it sure helps.



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